Chairperson’s Chat Post Lockdown 2021

Well the start of 2021 was not what we all expected and hoped for. January has been lost to lockdown from the point of view of competitions and group training. Hopefully training has continued as all members have had information shared on Facebook, the website and also in emails. In addition, those in coaching groups have hopefully had advice and programmes from their coach. If you have not had such support, and want it, then do contact me – Andy Fox on or 495830.

In this message I will be giving you information about the following –

  • Training and Coaching sessions recommencing after lockdown period. There are some new aspects to this although dates, venues and times remain the same as before the festive period.
  • The Social Running Group.
  • Jude’s Sports Hall Event.
  • Parent evening for Children and Parents to find out more about the coaching on offer as well as how things are going for our young athletes at present.
  • Competition opportunities this Winter and Spring, namely the first 2 months of the 2021 calendar of events – Feb and March as we have lost January!!!
  • Easter Athletics Festival early April.
  • Membership and the new rate for 2021/22 as well as when the forms etc will be out.
  • Our new committee members as well as the list of life members of the club from our AGM in November. In addition there is a list of club coaches and volunteers active in our coaching system at present.
  • Planned social events and meetings we hope you will be keen to attend!!!

Obviously rather than reading all you could just skip to the sections you are most interested in!!!

So here goes –

Coaching and Training.

There are some changes to the coaching structure we published in October 2020. These should be on the club website training page by now so please do have a look there. This is nothing major just a few errors spotted and so updated.

Start up of Coaching Sessions Post Lockdown.

Thursday 4th February –  Older junior 365 sessions – track £2.10 for use of facility paid to NSC Staff – under 13s 6 to 7pm and under 15s and older 7 to 8.15pm.

Monday 8th February – Younger junior 365 sessions – SNHS Lower School £2 for use of facility paid to Andy – under 9s 6 to 7pm and under 11s 7 to 8pm.

Wednesday 10th February –  Waiting room 365 session – track £2.10 for use of facility paid to NSC – 4pm to 5pm.

Other group sessions – endurance, throws etc. please check with the relevant coach – contact details on the MH coaching and training page on club website.

There are some changes to how we will run the Thursday 365 sessions. Normally athletes do a rota of training each evening for the athletics events put on by the coaches that night – Sprints, Long Jump, Mid Distance, Throws. Our aim is for athletes as they mature to decide which events they will specialise in and start to train as a Long Jumper or Hammer Thrower etc. In order to aid the young athletes make these decisions on a monthly basis we will be running a choice night where athletes select in advance one discipline and train in that one area for the whole of their 60 or 75 minutes. That way over time they will get an understanding of the work done by a thrower or distance runner and so can make an informed decision as to which area they wish to progress in over time. Please see the plan below.

Coaching Plan Thursday 365 sessions – Winter and Spring 2021.

  • Plan below for the sessions through to Easter 2021.
  • Andy will publish on Manx Harriers Facebook Page on the Monday prior to each Specialist Training Week what event coaching is available that Thursday so athletes can select what they wish to attempt.
  • If, over time, you feel we are missing something you really wish to try, do let Andy know as soon as you can on 495830 or
  • If at all possible encourage your parents to come along to the parent evening on 4th March 2021. You are welcome as well.

4th February                   365 round robin

11th February                 Specialist athletic selection – list of choices for children to see published on Facebook Monday 8th Feb.

18th February                 365 round robin

25th February                 365 round robin – HJ included

4th March                        365 round robin and Parent evening in IOM Sports Institute if available.

11th March                      Specialist athletic selection – list of choices for children published on Facebook Monday 8th March.

17th March                      Next MH Coaches meeting

18th March                      365 round robin

25th March                      365 round robin – HJ included

Friday 26th March Children break up for Easter Holidays. Plans will need to alter to take T&F leagues and competition into account.

  1. Up and Running T&F League begins Thursday 15th April, provisional date – 6 events over the summer
  2. Newfield T&F League begins Wednesday 21st April, provisional date – 6 events over the summer
  3. In addition the IOM T&F Champs are provisionally booked for 3rd and 4th July
  4. Manx Harriers Open T&F Champs are provisionally booked for 5th and 6th

The Social Running Group.

This is aimed at individuals who would welcome an easy run with others on a measured route. The aim is not to be competitive but meet up, have a run and then a chat and some refreshments after. The venue is Manx Harriers Clubhouse starting at 6.30pm from Monday 8th February 2021. We look forward to seeing you there!!!

Jude’s Sports Hall Event Sunday 28th February 2021.

This is a sports hall athletics team event run at the NSC main sports hall from 1pm to 4pm on the date above. Parents are able to attend and watch the events. A number of relays and individual events take place and all points scored add up to a team total and so a winning club on the day. However, the main reason for the event is to have fun while doing athletics!!! The teams involved are Manx Harriers, Northern AC and the hosts Western AC. Before Christmas we were gathering a list of children interested. I will email the people who have come forward so far and speak to individuals at training sessions. We still need more children for our team so please do get in touch with Andy – phone number and email  address can be found in a few places in this newsletter.

Parent Evening.

In order to help with the coaching and training on offer and explain further the progression through our training and coaching programme for athletes we are inviting parents to a Parent Evening on Thursday 4th March in the IOM Sports Institute (if available – if not MH Clubhouse). All athletes and parents can come along, hear the plans for the athletes from the coaches and ask questions about this and maybe even discover the areas the coaches feel might be the best for the athletes to follow.

Training will still take place that evening for athletes who wish to train with a small group of coaches. However, most coaches will be in the meeting ready to advise and help with questions. This opportunity is there for all young athletes training with the club from Waiting room athletes to 365 under 9s, under 11s, under 13s and under 15s and older as well as the junior middle distance and walking groups and individuals training in jumps and throws. Please do make an effort to attend.

There will be 3 presentations with the opportunity to ask questions and have a chat with a coach 1 to 1 as outlined below –

  • Session one – 6 to 6.45 pm.
  • Session two – 50pm to 7.35pm.
  • Session three – 40pm to 8.25pm.

Please inform Andy in advance which session you can attend on

Refreshments will be available on the evening and even if you cannot get information to Andy in advance do come along if you possibly can as this will undoubtedly help your child.

Competition Opportunities Winter/Spring 2021

Below are the events on offer across the Island for the next 2 months. Hopefully there are plenty to choose from!!! The below is correct if all goes to plan and Lockdown ends fully on 1st February 2021.

Thursday 4th Feb        Ramsey Bakery Firemen’s Runs – NAC

Saturday 6th Feb          Ard Whallan FR – IOM Fell Runners (Rearranged)

Sunday 7th Feb           Winter Walks League – MH

Sunday 14th Feb         Trail Run 4 – WAC (Rearranged)

Saturday 20th Feb       Murray Lambden Walks & Runs  – MH

Saturday 27th Feb       Baldwin Valleys FR – IOM Fell Runners

Sunday 28th Feb          Jude’s Sports Hall Event – WAC (Rearranged)

Thursday 4th March   Ramsey Bakery Firemen’s Runs – NAC

Sunday 7th March       20 Mile Championships – IOM Vets

Sunday 14th March     IOM XC Champs – Port-e-Chee – MH (Rearranged)

Thursday 18th March 10km Spring Handicap – IOM Vets

Sunday 21st March     10km Walks Champs – MH

Snaefell Tholtans FR – IOM Fell Runners


Easter Athletics Festival 2021 – Runners and Volunteers Needed.

This year we will be holding the Festival as usual whether it is open to visitors from the UK or not. The feeling at this stage is that it will be an IOM only event. The festival, for those who do not know, comprises of 3 races in one weekend with a prize presentation as well –

Good Friday 2nd April –          10km race held in Port Erin in the evening

Easter Saturday 3rd April –      Hill Race held in Peel in the afternoon

Easter Sunday 4th April –        5km run held in Douglas on the prom in the morning

Easter Sunday 4th April –        Prize Presentation usually held in the Outback in the evening

All events are run under UKA rules. There will be team and individual prizes as usual. It would be great to have an excellent turn out of Manx Harriers in the events and as such the club is allowing fully paid up members to enter for free. The code to use is – MH2021DR35.

Please be aware a check of all club entries will be made with the membership secretary before entries are accepted. This will save members approx. £22 in entry fees. If you wish to have the souvenir T shirts etc these have to be paid for separately. Please check out the Easter Festival website for more information as well as the Club website.

If intending to run, as well as entering, please email Andy Fox on and state which events you intend to race. The reason for this is so I can organise teams etc for the weekend so we are fully represented.

Lastly, you may not be able to run, or perhaps 3 races in 3 days is a little too much for you. Well, we need volunteers to officiate or point the way!!! The event needs many helpers to make it run successfully. For example the 10km has 40 marshalling points for the race never mind the need for other officials as well. So if you can help in any way please contact a committee member who will pass on your details or contact the Easter Festival website or organising committee. A small incentive is that the Presentation is free to runners and officials only!

Membership Fees 2021/22

U7, U9 & U11 £13
U13 & U15 £24 + £15 Affiliation fee
U17 & Students £29 + £15 Affiliation fee
Seniors £40 + £15 Affiliation fee
Social £19
Family £64 + Affiliation fees
Non resident £20 + £15 Affiliation fee

Seniors total cost is now £55, Under 17s and Students £44 and Under 13 and 15 athletes £39 in total. Jenny Dowling will be contacting all members by March 2021 to remind all of the need to pay their fees and also fill out a membership form. The new membership is to be in place by April 2021 so pleased do help Jenny out by paying your fees early!!!

Manx Harriers Committee 2020/21

Details from the elections in the AGM last November.

Role Elected Proposed By Seconded By
Chairman Andy Fox Tonya Corrin Petra Atchison
Vice Chairman Allan Callow Peter Kaneen Niall McGarrigle
General Secretary Kelly Hillier Marie Jackson Andrew Falconer
Membership Secretary Jenny Dowling Tonya Corrin Petra Atchison
Treasurer Ray Cox Petra Atchison Chris Cale
Junior Team Manager Tonya Corrin Mel Dowling Kelly Hillier
Ladies Team Captain Laura Dickinson Tonya Corrin Petra Atchison
Men’s Team Captain Alan Corlett Andrew Falconer Marie Jackson
Road Racing Secretary Chris Cale Nial Mc Peter Kaneen
Race Walking Secretary Marie Jackson Alan Callow Mel Dowling
Officials Secretary Tracey Bell Petra Atchison Mel Dowling
Track & Field Secretary Petra Atchison Chris Cale Tonya Corrin
Social Secretary Tonya Corrin Kelly Hillier Andrew Falconer


Role Elected Proposed By Seconded By
Committee member Brandon Atchison Kelly Hillier Andrew Falconer
Committee member Kelly Hillier Petra Atchison Mel Dowling
Committee member Andrew Falconer Alan Callow Mel Dowling
Committee member Julie Harrison Tonya Corrin Kelly Hillier

Committee member

Committee member


Mel Dowling

Sarah Clague

Andrew Falconer

Tonya Corrin

Kelly Hillier

Mel Dowling


To appoint from amongst the membership the following Honorary Officers who may or may not be a member of the Committee

Role Elected Proposed By Seconded By
Female Welfare Officer Tracey Martin Tonya Corrin Chris Cale
Male Welfare Officer Richard Bell Marie Jackson Peter kaneen
Website Editor Anthony Brand Andrew Falconer Kelly Hillier
Auditors (not required but they are reviewed in any case) Brown Craine Associates Ltd Petra Atchison Tonya Corrin

If you have any items you wish the committee to address please do contact a committee member so we can look into the issue. We meet once a month all year round and have communication between meetings as well. On another note please do look out for our AGM in 2021, it will be in November. It will be great to welcome you to the meeting and so you can have your say in how the club is run and organised.

Life Members.

Philip Bannon
Anthony Brand
Allan Callow
Irene Corlett
Liz Corran
Ray Cox
Noel Cringle
Jenny Dowling
Andy Fox
Colin Halsall
Derek Harrison
Paul Jackson
Bridget Kaneen
Peter Lees
Bernie May
Niall McGarrigle
Terry McKay
Bernie Shimell
Di Shimell
John Whitlow

Over the years it is easy to lose touch with former members. If anyone has information regarding the life member list which means it is not fully up to date please do contact Andy on We do hope that by publishing it any errors do not cause upset to anyone. If this is the case we do hope all concerned realise this was not intentional and by publishing the list we can of course update it and ensure this does not happen in future.

Club Coaches.

List of MH Club Coaches

These are those who are presently active in our coaching system.

Coaching Co-ordinator – Andy Fox

Level 4 Coaches

Allan Callow – Race Walking (1)

Level 3 Coaches

Andy Fox – Endurance

Nigel Armstrong – Endurance, Sprints (2)

Level 2 Coaches

Peter Kaneen – Horizontal Jumps

John Whitlow – High Jump, Pole Vault, Throws

Marie Jackson – Race Walking

Steve Partington – Race Walking (4)

Level 1 Coaches

Niall McGarrigle – Sprints, Hurdles, 365

Steve Quane – Throws, 365

Mel Dowling – Throws, 365

Ewelina Hand – Sprints, 365 (4)


Hattie Thomas 365

Julie Stanfield 365

Kara Lee 365

Julie Mullarkey  365 (4)

Young Sports Leaders award

Aimee Christian 365 and Waiting Room

Jodie Vaughan 365 (2)

Total – 17 active coaches at present.

We have another 5 qualified coaches who we hope may become involved in the future as time etc allows.

Planned Social Events and Meetings to look out for.

No specific dates as yet for some of these events but we are hoping to organise the following in 2021 –

4th March –                                    Parent Evening with Coaches – IOM Sports Institute

Late Winter & Spring –              Bingo Night, also a Family Quiz

September –                                  Track & Field League Prize Presentation

Club Dinner

October –                                       Mhelliah

November –                                   AGM

If you can help with any of the above please do contact any of the committee members and we will definitely make use of you and your skills.