Code of Conduct for Clubs

As a responsible Athletics Club we will:

  • Adopt national welfare policies and procedures, adhere to the codes of conduct and respond to any suspected breaches in accordance with the Welfare Procedures
  • Appoint a welfare officer, preferably two, one male and one female, and ensure that they are provided with appropriate training to act as a first point of contact for concerns about welfare issues
  • Ensure that all staff and volunteers operating within the club environment hold the appropriate qualifications and have undertaken the appropriate checks e.g. DBS//Disclosure Scotland, licences, qualifications such as massage, sports nutrition etc
  • Ensure that coaches, technical officials and club officers attend recommended training in welfare and safeguarding and protecting children as appropriate.
  • Liaise appropriately with parents/persons with parental responsibility, officials, coaches, sports scientists, national governing bodies and other relevant people/organisations to ensure that good practice is maintained
  • Ensure that information is available at the club and to all club officers, team managers, coaches and officials regarding contact details for local social services, and the police.
  • Ensure that club officers and volunteers always act responsibly and set an example to others including younger members
  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every club member and others involved in athletics and treat everyone equally.
  • Consistently promote positive aspects of the sport such as fair play and never condone rule violations or the use of prohibited or age-inappropriate substances
  • Challenge inappropriate behaviour and language by others
  • Place the welfare and safety of the athlete above other considerations including the development of performance
  • Report any suspected misconduct by club officials, coaches, technical officials or other people involved in athletics to the Club, Regional, National or UKA welfare officer as soon as possible