Return to Training and Competition.

We hope to announce which competitions will be running this summer in due course. In addition we will have by next week a full list of training sessions which will run each week for the summer. Watch this space as they say.

Here are two important documents:

The first is our Covid 19 Risk Assessment as it now stands. Please remember this will be very different to UKA and EA documents due to the lack of social distancing requirements on the island etc.

Secondly is our Guidance to Coaches, Athletes and Parents. Please read this carefully. Athletes and coaches have to bring items with them to the track such as hand sanitiser, water, tissues and wipes. In addition we are asking parents to remain in the vicinity of the session. Parents are also saying their child is ready and able to train by allowing them to attend. Lastly, athletes have to be fully paid up members to attend training. Please make sure your subs are paid before attending training – you will be asked about this by your coaches. This is a requirement of UK Athletics and also our event and training insurance.

We will publish a full list of training sessions available later this week.

However – Older 365 sessions lead by Niall will recommence on Thursday 25th June starting at 7pm and finishing at the usual 8.15pm. Make sure you attend with your hygiene items and that you have paid your membership fee.

Younger under 11 365 training usually lead by Peter is not quite ready to start yet – look out for information later this week. However, get your membership paid ASAP so you are ready for the restart!

Thanks for your patience and we look forward to seeing you at training and/or in competitions soon.

All the best,

Andy Fox
On behalf of Manx Harriers Committee and Coaches.